GET /site/v1/pages/{pageId}

Get a page available on Provides the page id, title, apiUrl, webUrl and where applicable links to retrieve the main items of content listed on the page and the skyline items of content listed on the page.


HTTP Request



Parameter NameValueDescription
pageId string The id of the page to get.

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


HTTP Statuses

Http StatusDescription
200 OK The resource exists and has been returned
404 Not Found The resource could not be found, but may be available in the future
410 Gone The resource no longer exists

200 OK - Page exists and has been returned

If successful, this method returns a Page Resources in a standard api response body.

  “requestUrl”: string,
    “id”: string,
    “title”: string,
    “apiUrl”: string,
    “webUrl”: string,
    “links”: [
        “href”: string,
        “rel”: string

404 Not Found - Page does not exist

If the page does not exist this method returns a standard api error response body

  “requestUrl”: string,
  “message”: string

410 Gone - Page no longer exists

If the page does not exist this method returns a standard api error response body

  “requestUrl”: string,
  “message”: string


E.g. Retrieve the UK Home Page

  “requestUrl”: “",
    “id”: “4c499f12-4e94-11de-8d4c-00144feabdc0”,
    “title”: “Front page”,
    “apiUrl”: “",
    “webUrl”: “",
    “links”: [
        “href”: “",
        “rel”: “main-content”
        “href”: “",
        “rel”: “skyline-content”