Acquisition Context Resource

Acquisition Context Resource Representation

An acquisition context is represented in the FT API as a JSON data structure, as shown below. The following example shows all possible fields an acquisition context can contain.

    “signupContext”: {
        “accessLicenceId”: “aca9e27f-2a58-496c-b94d-bc84dffa6f5c”,
            “allowedEmailDomains”: [“”, “”],
        “restrictEmailDomains”: false,
            “blockedEmailDomains”: [],
        “restrictBlockedEmailDomains”: false,
            “signupWelcomeText”: “This is the signup welcome text for Test-Next licence.”
        “promptUserToJoin”: true,
            “subHeading”: “TEST-Next has purchased a group subscription to”,
            “bodyText”: “Join now, sucka80.  This is the Test-Next barrier body text.”,
            “redirectUrl”: “",
“displaySignupUrl”: true }, “id”: “e95e952d-36fd-4db2-8fe2-c326fd1241d5”, “name”: “TEST-Next”, “allowedIPRanges”: [ “”, “”], “restrictIPRanges”: false, “displayName”: “TEST-Next”, “logoUrl”: “" “marketable”: true, “lastUpdated”: “2016-11-09T13:53:08.366Z” }

Acquisition Context Resource Properties

Property NameValueDescription
id string Acquisition context’s unique identifier


datetime When the acquisition context was last updated
marketable boolean

Flag which indicates whether the acquisiotn context is ‘active’ or not. Controlled by the status of the associated access licence. If the licence is in revoked or suspended status, the acquisition context is NOT marketable. 

name string The name of the organisation to which the acquisition context belongs.
allowedIPRanges string array

List of IPs (IPv4) to which this acquisition context is bound.  Ranges and wildcards can be specified.


boolean Used by certain steps of the acquisition journey  (eg. rendering the signup form) to restrict access. If true, then client ip must belong to list specified in allowedIPRanges.
displayName string

The name of the organisation to which the acquisition context belongs.  When provided, should be used in preference to name field on user-facing features.

logoUrl string

URI of image file for the organisation’s logo.

barrierContext JSON object JSON object representing the barrier context
signupContext JSON object JSON object representing the signup context

Barrier Context Properties

Settings that pertain to the bespoke barrier shown to traffic that is associated with this acquisition context.

Property NameValueDescription
promptUserToJoin boolean Flag used to indicate whether custom barrier should be active or not. If false, a user should not see barrier associated with this acquisition context.


string Custom sub-heading text for the barrier.
bodyText string

Custom body text for the barrier.

redirectUrl string

URI of the signup form (original Membership platform B2B signup form).   Can be SSO link too??

displaySignupUrl boolean

Whether or not to display a link to the signup form.  If set to false, it is usual for some other joining instruction to be included in the bodyText, eg. “Contact your Knowledge Manager who will sign you up to your company’s licence”

Signup Context Properties

Settings that pertain to the bespoke signup form related to this acquisition context.

Property NameValueDescription
accessLicenceId uuid Unique identifier of the access licence associated with the acquisition context.


string array List of permitted email domains. If restrictEmailDomains is true, a user’s email address must belong to this list in order to qualify to complete the acquisition journey for this context. 
restrictEmailDomains boolean

On/off switch for enforcing email domain checking on user signups.

blockedEmailDomains string Blacklist of email domains.  If restrictBlockedEmailDomains is true, a user’s email address must NOT belong to this list in order for them to complete the acquisition journey for this context. 
restrictBlockedEmailDomains boolean

On/off switch for enforcing email domain blacklist checking on user signups.

signupWelcomeText string Custom text for display on signup form for this acquisition journey.