GET /user-ids?(queryParameters)=(queryParametersValue)


Retrieves deprecated IDs


Resource URL

GET /user-ids?(queryParameters)=(queryParametersValue)

For security reasons requests must be made over HTTPS.

Path Parameters

Path ParamRequired?Value
erightsId Yes Erights Id
passportId Yes Passport Id
userId Yes  Global User ID

Request Headers

X-Api-Key <API key value>

Request Body

Not supported.


Response Body

A JSON representation of the user’s products resource an example of which is as below:

 “user”: {
   “id”: “1aca4d43-cde9-4c98-aa6d-e12e3c13ed08”,
   “deprecatedIds”: {
     “erightsId”: 2000457078,
     “passportId”: 6000437078

HTTP Status Codes

Http StatusDescription
200 Ok The user deprecated record was retrieved successfully
400 Bad Request The request was invalid. This response occurs when you have an invalidrequest. You may refer to response for details around why the request was invalid.
403 Forbidden The x-api-key provided is invalid. Whenever the user provides an x-api-key, validation against an api key whitelist is performed. If the x-api-key provided is not in the whitelist, this error is returned.

404 Not Found

User does not exist