Redeemable Token Resource

Redeemable Token Resource Representation

A redeemable token is represented in the FT API as a JSON data structure, as shown below. The following example shows all possible fields a redeemable token can contain.

  “id”: “6a89e58d-09bd-4b59-9c21-64172ffe9f7b”,
  “creationDateTime”: “2016-05-27T10:44:20.278Z”,
  “redeemableFor”: {
    “accessLicenceId”: “aca9e27f-2a58-496c-b94d-bc84dffa6f5c”,
    “type”: “LICENCE”,
    “accessDuration”: “P12M”

}, “status”: “AVAILABLE”, “redeemability”: “UNLIMITED”, “validUntil”: “” 2016-05-27T10:44:20.278Z }

Redeemable Token Resource Properties

Property NameValueDescription
id string Token’s unique identifier


string When the token was created
redeemableFor json object

JSON object representation of what the token can be redeemed for

accessLicenceId string Unique identifier of the access licence associated with the token
type string

type of ‘thing’ the token can be redeemed for


string Optional. Once token is redeemed, this is how long thereafter the user has seat on the licence.
status string

status of the token (AVAILABLE|REDEEMED|EXPIRED)

redeemability string

How many times the token can be redeemed. (UNLMITED|SINGLE_USE)

validUntil string Optional. Datetime represenation of expiry date of the token. Token status changes to ‘EXPIRED’ after this date has passed.