POST /users/profile - Create a new user profile record


Resource URL


For security reasons requests must be made over HTTPS.


Not supported. Do not supply any query params.

Request Headers

X-Api-Key <API key value>

Request Body

A json representation of the User Profile Request an example of which is shown below

 “user”: {
   “email”: “”,
   “password”: “mys3cr3T”
   “firstName”: “Firstname”,
   “lastName”: “Lastname”,
   “title”: “Mr”,
   “primaryTelephone”: “442071234567”,
   “homeAddress”: {
     “line1”: “The White House”,
     “line2”: “1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW”,
     “townCity”: “Washington”,
     “postcode”: “20500”,
     “state”: “DC”,
     “country”: “USA”
   “jobTitle”: “CEO”


HTTP Status Codes

Http StatusDescription
201 Created The user profile record was created successfully
400 Bad request The request was invalid. You may refer to response for details around why the request was invalid
403 Forbidden Invalid API key
415 Unsupported Media Type Ensure you use the correct Content-Type header in the request as indicated in the Request Headers section above

201 Created - The user profile records was created successfully

If successful, this method returns a User Profile Resource

400 Bad request - The request was invalid 

An Error Response with the following format.

  “message”: “Validation failed.”,
  “transactionId”: “88452f9a-15b2-4ffe-869f-29532679e407”
  “errors”: [
      “resource”: “user”,
      “field”: “email”,
      “errorCode”: “email.violation.duplicate”,
      “message”: “An account already exists with this email address. Please use a different email address”,
      “invalidValue”: “”

403 Forbidden - Your Access to the API endpoint was denied

Make sure you are using a valid API key. If you are sure your are using a valid API key and problems persist, contact us for assistance.

415 Unsupported Media Type - Ensure you use the correct Content-Type header

Make sure you use Content-Type header with value “application/json” in the request.