GET acquisition contexts

Find collection of acquisition contexts by access-licence-id or ip-address.


Resource URL


For security reasons requests must be made over HTTPS.


Query paramMandatoryValue
No* The ip address for which to retrieve acquisition contexts.  NB.  Should return a collection of either 0 or 1 acquisition contexts.
access-licence-id No* The access-licence-id for which to retrieve acquisition contexts.  NB.  Should return a collection of either 0 or 1 acquisition contexts.
email-domain No* An email domain, eg.  NB. Will return ALL axcquisition contexts for which this email domain is configured as an allowed email domain.  This could be zero or many.

* Exactly one of the specified query parameters must be provided.

Request Headers

X-Api-Key <API key value>

Request Body

Not supported.


HTTP Status Codes

Http StatusDescription
200 OK A (wrapped) collection of acquisition contexts is returned
400 Bad request The request was invalid. You may refer to response for details around why the request was invalid
403 Forbidden Invalid API key used

200 OK - A (wrapped) collection of acquisition contexts is returned

Returns a collection of Acquisition Contexts in the response body. 

400 Bad request - The request was invalid 

An error response will be returned with data describing the cause of the error.

403 Forbidden - Your access to the API endpoint was denied

Make sure you are using a valid API key. If you are sure your are using a valid API key and problems persist, contact us for assistance.