API Authorisation Service

The API Authorization Service is an implementation of the OAuth authorization framework and is used to obtain access tokens required to access certain API endpoints.

Resource URL

GET https://api.ft.com/authorize


Request ParamMandatoryValue
response_type Yes Must be set to “token”, as per the OAuth spec
client_id Yes Client id obtained via the client registration process as outlined here.
redirect_uri No As registered during the client registration process. This is the URL to which the authorization service will send a HTTP 302 response with the access token or error response added as a URL fragment.
scope No

A comma separated list of scopes. List of valid scopes is available here.

Example: scope=user_products, profile_dem

state No An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and the callback. For more information, please refer to the OAuth spec.

Request Headers



where {FTSession_s} is the value of the FTSession_s cookie, each authenticated ft.com user gets upon successfully logging onto an ft.com application.

X-Api-Key Api key that is optionally generated during user registration. This will serve as a means of authenticating API client and authrosizing their requests in the absence of an FTSessions_s cookie. Note that only select clients will have this key. This key takes precedence over an FTSessions_s cookie
uid Used in conjunction with the x-api-key, to specify for which user you wish to retrieve an access token

Request Body

Not supported.


Success Response

HTTP 302, with access token appended as a URL fragment to the Location response header, as per the OAuth 2.0 spec. The following parameters are appended to the URL fragment:

Path ParamMandatoryValue
access_token Yes Value of the access_token that may be used to make authorized requests to API endpoints that need authorization
token_type Yes Bearer
expires_in Yes Number of seconds the token will expire in
scope No

The scope the access_token grants access to. This parameter is only returned if the authorization service returns a scope different to that requested. This can happen if the FTSession_s cookie used, does not meet the freshness requirement to access a particular scope.

state No The value included in the request

Failure Response

HTTP 302, with error message appended as a URL fragment to the Location response header or HTTP 400 if the client_id path parameter of the request is invalid.

HTTP 302 - Missing FTSession_s cookie

Path ParamValue


error_description Missing FTSession_s cookie in authorization request

HTTP 302 - Invalid FTSession_s cookie

Path ParamValue


error_description Invalid FTSession_s cookie in authorization request

HTTP 302 - Invalid Response Type 

Path ParamValue


error_description Service only supports “token” response type

HTTP 302 - Invalid Scope Requested

Path ParamValue


error_description Invalid scope in authorization request

HTTP 302 - Invalid Redirect URI

Path ParamValue


error_description The redirect_uri parameter doesn’t match the client’s registered redirect URI