
Different scopes can be used when making requests to the API Authorization Service to obtain an access token. A scope defines what endpoints and/or what response resources an access token grants access to.

Each scope requires an appropriately “fresh” FTSession_s cookie, that represents a user’s session as described below. If an authorization request is made for a certain scope, without an appropriately fresh FTSession_s cookie, then the default scope that can be granted with the given FTSession_s cookie is returned.

Valid Scope Values 


Required FTSession_s freshness

Endpoint access granted to

profile_max <= 30 minutes old

GET /users/{userId}/profile/full

GET /users/{userId}/profile/basic

GET /users/{userId}/profile/demographics

PUT /users/{userId}/profile

profile_min <= 180 days old GET /users/{userId}/profile/basic
profile_dem <= 180 days old GET /users/{userId}/profile/demographics
licence_data <= 1 day old

GET /licence-seat-holders/{licenceId}

GET /licence-seat-holders/{licenceId}/administrators