GET licence seat holder admins by licenceId

This endpoint allows clients to retrieve licence admnistrators for a given licenceId, and requires both an API key based authentication and OAuth access token based authorisation, via the API Authorisation Service to access.


Resource URL


For security reasons requests must be made over HTTPS.

Request Headers

X-Api-Key <API key value>

Bearer <Access token>

where <Access token> is as retrieved via the API Authorisation Service for a licence administrator of the licence in question. To see seatholder details, the access token must have scope <licence_data>


Path paramMandatoryValue
Yes The unique identifier for the licence which is to be retrieved

Request Headers

X-Api-Key <API key value>

Request Body

Not supported.


200 - OK

    “administrators”: [
            “id”: “93cc27c9-d7fa-4a70-a5b5-e54e0fe9c720”,
            “lastName”: “Crump”,
            “firstName”: “Mercedez”,
            “email”: “”,
            “joinedDate”: “2015-10-02T15:06:03.786Z”
            “id”: “9bc86274-8aa8-48be-9381-acb664d8b5de”,
            “lastName”: “Daily”,
            “firstName”: “Josephina”,
            “email”: “”,
            “joinedDate”: “2015-10-02T15:06:04.061Z”

400 - Bad Request

    “code”: 400,
    “code_name”: “BAD_REQUEST”,
    “message”: “accessLicenceId cannot be null”

HTTP Status Codes

Http StatusDescription
200 Ok A list of administrators is returned
400 Bad request The request was invalid. You may refer to response for details around why the request was invalid
403 Forbidden Invalid API key used
404 Not Found No licence exists for the licenceId provided

Make sure you are using a valid API key. If you are sure your are using a valid API key, email: FT Membership Platform Team for assistance.