GET /users/{userId}/profile/basic

This endpoint allows clients to retrieve a Basic User Profile, and requires both an API key based authentication and OAuth access token based authorisation, via the API Authorisation Service to access.

The access token provided must have at least one of the following scopes: profile_min, profile_max. If neither of these scopes is found in the token, a 401 response is returned. More information about scopes is available here.


Resource URL


For security reasons requests must be made over HTTPS.


Path paramValue
The unique identifier for the user whose profile are to be retrieved

Request Headers

X-Api-Key <API key value>

Bearer <Access token>

where <Access token> is as retrieved via the API Authorisation Service for the given user whose profile is to be retrieved.

Request Body

Not supported.


 HTTP Status Codes

Http StatusDescription
200 Ok The user profile record was retrieved successfully
400 Bad request The request was invalid. You may refer to response for details around why the request was invalid
401 Unauthorized Invalid access token used
403 Forbidden Invalid API key used
404 Not found User with the userId provided not found
415 Unsupported media type Ensure you use the correct Content-Type header in the request as indicated in the Request Headers section above

200 OK - The user profile record was retrieved successfully

Returns a Basic User Profile Resource in the response body.

400 Bad request - The request was invalid

An Error Response will be returned with data describing the cause of the error.

401 Unauthorized - Invalid access token

The endpoint requires an access_token to authorize the request. The access_token supplied was invalid.

403 Forbidden - Your access to the API endpoint was denied

Make sure you are using a valid API key. If you are sure your are using a valid API key, email: FT Membership Platform Team for assistance.

415 Unsupported Media Type - Ensure you use the correct Content-Type header

Make sure you use Content-Type header with value "application/json" in the request.